Archive for March 1995
Clear the way for innovation
Not only is technology changing the way we live, work, play, learn and move around, we are also rapidly changing the way we use technology. For example, people are now using telephones not just for conversations with friends or family members but to link their home computers to the information superhighway where they transmit digital…
Read MoreAnother sign of party’s decline
U.S. Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell’s defection is more than just another seat on the Republican side of the aisle. It is another indicator of the increasing isolation and possible decomposition of the Democratic Party itself. Campbell, the only Native American in Congress, crossed from the Democratic to the Republican side of the aisle the day…
Read MorePolitical clout shifts westward
For a long time — since World War II — the West and South have been America’s most rapidly growing regions. During the 1980s, more than 75% of the nation’s population growth occurred in just five states — two in the West (California and Texas) and three in the South (Florida, Georgia and North Carolina.)…
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