Archive for February 1991
High-tech TV presses role of weekly news magazines
Technology has a way of touching everything we do – even what we choose to read. For example, the advent of television news in the late 1950s did in the old Lifemagazine. Now television coverage of the gulf war is cutting into the heart of the niche occupied by Time, Newsweek and U.S. News & World Report: spectacular color…
Read MoreAdvice to Colorado: Build on strengths
In their book on American corporations, In Search of Excellence, Tom Peters and Bob Waterman found that successful corporations are those that stick to their knitting, build on their strengths, add value to existing activities. They also found that corporations get in trouble when they get into new lines of business far removed from their experience,…
Read MoreFear industry empties pockets
People are haunted – not by terrorism, but by the threat of terrorism. And the terrorists seem to be winning. We were told last week that American travel to foreign countries is down 70% compared with last year. Travel within the United States is down 60%. Foreign travel to the U.S. is down 50%. We…
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