Enjoy a selection of my commentaries below. To see the full listing of commentaries, please click here.
Rangeland Reforms Spawn Babbittowns
Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt’s Aug. 9 announcement of his sweeping “reform” of grazing on public lands is pretty familiar stuff: a 130% tax increase to ranchers in the form of increased grazing fees; a federal takeover of many Western water rights; and establishment of new government bureaucracy to manage public lands, descriptions of which sound…
Small businesses need the big guys
Big Business has taken it on the chin in recent years. There have been tales of huge executive salaries, environmental insensitivities and ham-handled dealings with employees and their families as bloated companies cut costs and restructure. Small business news, however, is typically positive. We read about job creation, innovation, and successful forays into growing international…
Positive Progress On Race Relations
Race relations was in the headlines this past week — not because of a riot or hate crime or something negative, but for mostly positive and constructive reasons. First, last Tuesday, a Gallup Poll showed that the views of both black and white Americans are converging in many positive ways (despite real divisions that persist…