
Enjoy a selection of my commentaries below. To see the full listing of commentaries, please click here.

We need leaders with backbone

Fickle polls. A panicky Congress. Here we go again. Polls released this week show approval of President Bush’s conduct in the Mideast crisis dropping more than 30 points – from 82% to 51% approval rating since the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. As every pollster knows, public opinion is most likely to change dramatically on issues…

NAFTA’s promise is in the numbers

NAFTA is in trouble in Congress. There is no question about that. But, to put all this in perspective, since Secretary of State Cordell Hull’s reciprocal trade agreements in the 1930s, trade pacts have almost always had problems when they first hit Capitol Hill. Last week, The Wall Street Journal said that “Clinton’s task in selling NAFTA…

Paonia’s version of perestroika

America is going through its own perestroika. This is evident from dramatic changes in demography, family life and the workplace, and by major structural changes in the economy and the global marketplace. It is sometimes useful to examine this economic and social change at the micro level, where the rubber meets the road. This approach,…