Enjoy a selection of my commentaries below. To see the full listing of commentaries, please click here.
Rangeland Reforms Spawn Babbittowns
Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt’s Aug. 9 announcement of his sweeping “reform” of grazing on public lands is pretty familiar stuff: a 130% tax increase to ranchers in the form of increased grazing fees; a federal takeover of many Western water rights; and establishment of new government bureaucracy to manage public lands, descriptions of which sound…
Democrats don’t grasp the vision
The U.S. government has run up more than $4 trillion in debt. About $1 trillion was accumulated during the nation’s first 200 years, the rest since 1980. Despite the Clinton administration’s claims about “reducing the deficit,” the Kerry-Danforth Commission report on entitlements and tax reform — released last month — showed that America’s debt is…
Let’s take walk on this strike
The botched effort of the Clinton administration to intervene in the baseball strike is another example of the intrusive and overbearing culture of Washington — and another reason why this culture must be broken if America is to reach its full potential. In a late-inning move, the president dispatched former Labor Secretary William Usery to…