
Enjoy a selection of my commentaries below. To see the full listing of commentaries, please click here.

NAFTA foes play with the numbers

As President Clinton fights to win approval of the North American Free Trade Agreement, the most vocal and effective opposition comes from the president’s own party — led by House Majority Leader Richard Gephardt of Missouri and House Whip David Bonior of Michigan — and organized labor, which is pouring millions of dollars of union…

NAFTA’s promise is in the numbers

NAFTA is in trouble in Congress. There is no question about that. But, to put all this in perspective, since Secretary of State Cordell Hull’s reciprocal trade agreements in the 1930s, trade pacts have almost always had problems when they first hit Capitol Hill. Last week, The Wall Street Journal said that “Clinton’s task in selling NAFTA…

Immigrants boost U.S., authors say

Labor shortages are a growing problem for American business. The reason: Right behind the post-World War II baby boom generation is a baby bust generation, a much smaller group of Americans between the ages of 6 and 23 years. As a result, there will be at least 20%fewer entrants into the job market in the…