Enjoy a selection of my commentaries below. To see the full listing of commentaries, please click here.
Condo crowd set sights on western ranchers
Grazing fees are back on the front page. Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt wants to raise them a whopping 130% — from $1.86 per animal unit month to $4.28. When you consider how the public questioned the recent 4.3 cent per gallon increase in the gasoline tax — less than five percent of the total cost…
Despite spin, truth matters
Despite the White House sex scandal, President Clinton’s poll numbers are soaring. One new poll shows a record-high 72 percent of the American people approving the way he is “handling his job as president.” At the same time more than half think the president had an affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Have the…
Things Looking Up All Across America
I noted last week that the Sunday New York Times (on April 27, 1997) carried a lead story called, “World beaters,” signaling to the rest of the media establishment that it is now OK to acknowledge America’s high performing economy. Sure enough, two days later USA Today’s front page lead story was entitled, “Economy hitting on all cylinders.” Of…