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The Global Boom & America's New Economy
- Technology and Society: How Network Technologies from Railroads and Electric Power to Interstate and the Internet have Changed America
- TIDES of the Millennium: Five Forces Shaping the Political Economy of America
- The West Advances America's New Economy
- Making It in America's New Economy
New American Workplace
- Lone Eagles, Telework and America's Changing Lifestyles
- The New American Workplace and America's Digital Revolution: Professional Nomads & Project Management
- Telework and the New American Workplace
American Demographics
- Westward Ho! Growth of the American West
- Immigration, Migration and Globalization: A New Economy Story
- Changing Markets, Changing Politics: Boomers and America's Aging Population
- Sensornetics: Building a Nervous System for the Engineered World
- The Digital Divide: It's not about computers. It's not about minorities. It's about community vitality, small business and jobs.
- Trends in the Digital Culture: Business, Government and Social Movements
- Telecommunications, Computers and the InfoCulture: How the Telecomputing Revolution is Changing the Way Americans Live, Work, Plan, Learn, Move About and Govern
- Telewars: How Convergence, Consolidation and Competition are Shaped by Technology and Government
Technology & Society
- Dreams and Doo Dads, Ideas and Gizmos: How Big Ideas and New Technology Combine to Shape Society
Economic Development
- Building High-Performance Communities: Concepts, Strategies, Cases
- Bunts and Singles, Hunters and Gardeners: Concepts and Strategies for Economic Development
- The Focus on Bandwidth: It's not about computers. It's not about minorities. It's about community vitality, small business and jobs
America's Political Culture
- From Partnership to Restoration: The Idea of Federalism in the Information Age
- Relimiting Government, Refocusing Responsibilities: A 21st Century Challenge
America's Global Role
- From Point Barrow to Tierra del Fuego: How North America and the Western Hemisphere are Shaping Geopolitical and Trade Calculations
- Liberalization, Privatization and Democratization: Key to Hemispheric Transformation