Enjoy a selection of my commentaries below. To see the full listing of commentaries, please click here.
California again takes place in sun
San Francisco — California’s economy is not only recovering, it is reinventing itself. That’s a major punchline of a new study by the Center for the New West. According to the 32-page report, authored by Center senior fellow Joel Kotkin and Steve Levy of the Center for the Continuing Study of the California Economy, the…
Defense issues at critical stage
Defense spending and, more important, the U.S. role in world affairs will be a big item on the agenda of the 102nd Congress, which convenes in January. The outcome is sure to have an important effect on business. Attention to defense spending is driven by two competing forces. On one side is a growing budget…
Health plan puts small business on critical list
The Clintons’ health-security plan is now on the table. Though many stakeholders are nibbling around the edges — e.g., physicians, hospitals, pharmaceutical and insurance companies — the real opposition will come from small business and the people they employ. Reason: The new health-security plan imposes a huge new “employee tax” on American business. This so-called…