
Enjoy a selection of my commentaries below. To see the full listing of commentaries, please click here.

Clinton could be a great president

The election is over. But cynics and skeptics are already taking aim. Clinton’s agenda, they say, will be captured by the tax and spend leadership of the Democrat Congress or by the liberal forces of McGovern and Mondale that populate the policy haunts of Washington’s Democratic government-in-waiting. Or: interest groups that dominate the Democratic party…

Future workforce to wear new face

The changing workforce is a major characteristic of the new economy. One of the most important changes is the slowdown in U.S. population growth, characterized by the “baby bust” generation — Americans 15 to 26 years old, born between 1965 and 1976. In fact, according to the Hudson Institute’s landmark report, Workforce 2000, and other recent…

No revolution won without pain

Is Speaker Gingrich being unreasonable in the budget debate? Should the Republicans be more compromising? The answer, in my view, is a resounding “No!” It is important for the Republicans to stand firm because the current debate is about new choices, not variations on the theme of more government, more taxes and more spending. The…