Bonus Years on Changing the Rules Podcast
by Phil Burgess, Unabridged from the Life section of the Annapolis Capital, Sunday January 30, 2020
Listen as we chat with Ray Loewe about living with purpose in your Bonus Years!
“It’s better to wear out than to rust out.” This is the wisdom Phil Burgess found after “failing at retirement twice.” After his several false starts at retirement, and lots of self-reflection, Phil wrote a book called, “Reboot: What to do when your career is over but your life isn’t.” He also writes a weekly column for The Annapolis Capital Gazette called “Bonus Years,” where he interviews retirees who are doing interesting things that are rewarding and satisfying. This perspective fits perfectly into our theme of “Changing the Rules” and the purpose of our Friends Connection Conference, 2020. Listen to learn more.
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